Hi! My name is Huda Hassan, and I’m a writer and researcher based in New York.

I spend much time researching archives of Harlem, writing for magazines, or teaching. My writing appears everywhere, including New York Magazine, Hazlitt Magazine, and Pitchfork. You may sometimes read or hear me on Canadian radio. I’m currently writing a book of essays about how people gather to grieve in cities.

Mother, Loosen My Tongue is an experimental newsletter on art, cities, literature, and our political world. I release essays, interviews, and recommendations through two emails a month.

My emails to you will rotate between a few offerings:

  1. One essay, reflection, cultural criticism, or rant by me each month, loosely timed;

  2. Conjunctures: an interview series with artists, organizers, and thinkers about changing cities. It will arrive in your inbox once a month;

  3. At the end of each post, I’ll wrap up my email with a list of art, cultural, and/or political projects, readings, and other things I recommend you check out.

I’m not here to monetize off you or this space. I’m here to learn, create, and share. If you are inclined to support this project of mine, consider subscribing and sharing my work with your friends.

I hope you enjoy it!


PS. Shantel Miller, a remarkable painter from Toronto, created the painting used for this newsletter. You’ll see her work cited in many of my emails.

Subscribe to Mother, Loosen My Tongue

interviews on cities + cultural criticism


I’m a writer and professor in New York City.